Create Customers/Organizations

Create your customers/organizations in the system and add any discounts, notes, company info etc. You can subsequently add purchases to a customer so that they get their own history. Here you can provide an extra service for your regular guests.

1. Create Guest or Organization

  1. Go to  Modules > Customers 

  2. Press +

  3. Press either Create customer  or  Create company
    1. Enter a name and optionally add an e-mail and a telephone number (if it is a company, you can also add a CVR number)
    2. Tap  Save

    3. Optionally add a Note 


2. Link a Payment to a Customer or Organization

  1. Add items to cart
  2. Press Order
  3. Tap Customer in the top right corner

  4. Press Select next to the guest in question, after which you can see the guest in the top right corner of the payment window

  5. Accept payment in the usual way 

By going back to  Modules > Customers  , you can see the history of that customer, and if you tap on one of the orders, you can even see a receipt for the purchase. 


Congratulations! You now know how to provide an even better service to your regulars! 🤩